Nine of Pentacles - It's in Your Cards
Spirit ~ Forces TM
It's in Your Cards
Photographed and Written by Jesai
The Card of the Day
The Nine of Stones
This is one of the most inspiring cards of the suit of stones.
Things should be starting to go better than you thought were.
Associations to the Nine of Stones
I Ching –14 Ta You - The Great Provider - Harvest - Great Good Fortune – Fire is above Heaven
Energy comes together to accomplish a goal
Love – The Nine of Stones indicates love and relationships with love, family and friends will raise to new levels. Opportunities to find more meaningful experiences deepening intimacy, allows you to discover new parts of yourself and others, living in moments of new found joy.
Work –If you have wanted changes or are looking for new opportunities this card brings with it, good fortune and new experiences. Even if you love your job and are very good at it possibilities of being scouted out or promoted are all within the meaning of the Nine of Stones.
Money – If you have been trying to sort out finances or to achieve financial goals then know you are finally moving in a good direction and can achieve your objective. The Nine of Stones can represent great improvements or windfalls with money.
Health – The Nine of Stones represents good health or improvement in physical and spiritual well being. Good health is all about feeling. When you practice feeling good great things will follow. Being happy at home and with your life equals good feelings.
Peace is with you always
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