Three of Wands - It's in Your Cards
Spirit ~ Forces TM
Its in Your Cards
Photographed and Written by Jesai
Your card for the day
Three of Wands
Finding the lesson and opportunities that come from the experiences and challenges you have gone through.
Finding a vantage point within it all where you can see more clearly and move forward in life.
Associations to 3 of Wands
I Ching Hexagram 50 – The Cauldron – Great good fortune and success – Rejuvenation, regeneration of one natural desires, doing good brings good things, Peace and joy manifest by your personal practice, following your dreams will bring opportunity.
Love – Three of Wands represents a new relationship beginning or discovering new things about someone special, a deepening of an existing relationship. Experiences and emotions become bonded as the relationship grows.
Work – Career choices, opportunities or promotions may present themselves as a result of past work experiences or education. Travel with work or overseas opportunities may be apart of what comes your way in the future.
Money – This card may represent your ship is about to come in, due to your prior efforts or hard work. This could represent a promotion, or completion of a mortgage, a loan or estate, etc.
Health – This may be a time to change your diet or do a cleanse. Become your own expert. Its time to due the research, if you have concerns or have been given some information, learn all you can and start with the most natural approach to start.
Peace is with you A reading is a doorway to new possibilities.
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