Three of Pentacles - It's in Your Cards
Spirit ~ Forces TM
Its in Your Cards
Photographed and Written by Jesai
Your card for the day The Three of Pentacles
Represents work, creativity, fertility, new beginnings, finding new direction, purpose and choices to be made.
Choices about work, even volunteering gives people a sense of purpose. Seeking spiritually is also a form of work.
Associations to 3 of Stones
I Ching Hexagram 13 - Tung Ren - Uniting with people - people coming together to accomplish a common goal. Heaven above fire - illuminated by the light, those with awareness are brought together.
Love - You may find more harmony at work today with those around you. Things may run more smoothly as the day flashes by. This card can also represent meeting someone special through a work connection of some kind or having fun with someone at work. Have a good time and enjoy your day. Trying to conceive, this card can bring good news.
Work - Team work or collaboration could help to sort things out if you want to accomplish the task at hand today. Working hard towards a goal, this card is a good oman. If you are thinking of looking for new work or that promotion, now is the time to put out the extra effort, go for it.
Money - This card is a good sign representing Success and Financial rewards. It is not about winning the lottery, but being rewarded or recognized for hard work the efforts you have put out. Keep up the good work. Be consistent.
Health - Good health takes work and routine effort. Imagine yourself as an olympic trainer if you have been trying to improve your health or body. It takes serious efforts. This card can mean you have the right intentions or may be taking the proper measures to make things better. Maybe today is the day you will feel the results from your efforts.
Peace is with you A reading is a doorway to new possibilities.
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