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Two of Swords - It's in Your Cards

Spirit ~ Forces TM

It’s in Your Cards

Photographed and Written by Jesai

Your card for the day

The Two of Swords

Peace - Tranquility - Serenity

Associations to Two of Swords

I Ching Hexagram - 11 - T!ai - Harmony - Peace - Good Opportunity

Heaven below Earth - New Beginnings

Love - Relationships, friendships, family, Love does not come from loved ones but they are reminders that you have this feeling inside you already. When you are around those you care about inspiration to be your true self is the feeling of love. To become dependent upon the person for continued happiness, may lead you into sadness. You can only fulfill your own needs, make yourself happy and feel love. The Two of Swords helps us discover truly happy relationships and to feel and be reminded of love.

Work - Look closely to be sure you are not missing or turning down an important opportunity. Watch for or take advantage of what comes your way. Be sure you are upholding your end of things. Be patient with others if there are difficulties. You may be the one who is able to create peace where there is difficulty.

Money - Be sure what you are spending is absolutely necessary right now. Its easy to purchase things to make your self happy or feel better and then have regrets. Take time to understand or satisfy your needs, balance things and then make a plan that makes sense for you that will make you feel better.

Health - Swords represent thinking and your thought processes. Take care of stressful situations, difficulties that lead to over thinking, discomfort and sadness. Make time and start finding ways to practice happiness in your life. When you find peace within, all else that is good will follow and support that feeling.

Peace is with you always A reading is a doorway to new possibilities.

Rune 7 Nauthiz - Limitations - Necessity - Things happen beyond control, working out in the only way they can. Kabbalah - Hebrew Letter - Lamed 30 - The Heart that understands Knowledge - Teaching - Learning

Moving towards ones desires

Love - All relationships, friends, family, come to crossroads or gateways where we are pushed to grow and learn about each others needs. These points cause relationships to grow, become lessons that allow us to see things that had been over looked, to restore balance to ones personal life as an individual and the relationship that is causing us to look inward.

Work - Finding balance between work and personal life is important. Some times people can seem to get away with things or get credit for things they didnʼt do and donʼt deserve. Karma is generated from what we carry or feel inside of ourselves not necessarily what we have done. Sometimes it takes time to see how it manifest externally. Be consistent, do everything from a place of love even it means tough love. Work with joy and enjoy what you do and a your true path will form, unfold before you.

Money - The finances you earn are really an exchange of your life force for money. How money is obtained and what people do to get it may work for or against them. You exchange this force for the things you need. Unfortunately there is an imbalance in value of life force in this world. Learn to use it wisely and very good things will come to allow the balance you seek.

Health - If you let things get to you, feeling out of balance, stress and illness will set in. It is difficult but necessary to keep everything in proportion. Work, exercise, nutrition, relaxation, must all be practiced equally some how to keep or allow good health to grow. Imagine yourself as an olympic trainer. Decide how are you going to find and keep balance in your life as you set your goals.

Peace is with you

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