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Two of Wands - It's in Your Cards

Spirit ~ Forces TM

Its in Your Cards

Photographed and Written by Jesai

Your card for the day

The Two of Wands

Business Agreements - Property Purchases and Contracts - Signing Papers

Self Empowered - Stability - Strong Position - To use one’s power for personal transformation

Associations to 2 of Wands

I Ching Hexagram - 26 - Great Amassment - Heaven Below Mountain Above

Be Firmly Committed to your Goal - Engage in the Adventure

Love - Relationships, friendships, family, the excitement of achieving a common goal is at hand. This takes love and relationships to new levels, brings a greater sense of equality. You may see yourself individually, from a more positive perspective, feeling stronger, capable of fulfilling your own needs and desires.

Work - This is a time to put a lot of things together in new, better or creative ways to become successful. Once you have reached your goal their will be a need to maintain or stay in control everything you have achieved. You are capable of having it all.

Money - The Two of Wands frequently indicates the signing of papers, making commitments or agreements, buying and selling homes and cars, etc. If you have put everything in proper order you will realize the success that you worked for. Be prepared then to maintain your success.

Health - if one follows the correct way great energy can be amassed. Find ways to build and then contain or maintain your energy, good health, great success will follow and accumulate.

Peace is with you always. A reading is a doorway to new possibilities.

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