Five of Pentacles - It's in Your Cards
It's in Your Cards
Photograph and Writing by Jesai
Your card for the day
Five of Pentacles
Profound Changes - Discovering or Rediscovering your Foundations
Associations to The Five of Pentacles
I Ching Hexagram - 23 - Po - Erosion - Mountain is above Earth - Sunset - Separation
Splitting Apart - Avoid taking on big undertakings - Be still
Love - In love relationships, family or friends, you may feel you are not being treated the way you deserve or are feeling misunderstood. You may be feeling left out in the cold. To change this, try to release your expectations and practice feeling the way want to be received. How you feel manifests the conditions of the life that surrounds you. Thinking represents or manifests from the condition of your heart, what you feel inside your core. Practice feeling content or at peace with things and see what happens or appears before you.
Work - With the five of pentacles you may be feeling over worked or searching for new work and feeling a bit out of luck, feeling unable to create what you really want. This is a time to discover new faith and trust in your self. Could challenges really be the universe trying to redirect you to new possibilities. Are you un knowingly fighting this process of change?
Money - Financially you may be feeling that things have gone beyond your control and feeling it may be hard to find a way to resolve things. Caution against quick fixes, gambling, investing, etc. The way you feel is the wish you carry in your heart. Gently redirect the way you feel and change your life forever. Do not be afraid of seeking or asking for help and advice. You may find an answer. Watch for synchronicity, as this may hold the signs of the direction to follow
Health - Stress and worry can grow problems out of proportion, causing conditions to turn into things that they are not. This can make it to difficult to treat or to cure all things, both physically and spiritually. Relaxing, finding ways to move the energies that are trapped inside to the outside, by practicing contentment or appreciation for all the goodness that you do have. This will help to release blocked emotions that are trapped with in your heart. Meditate, breath fully, deeply, even if only for a few seconds, many times through out the day. Strengthen, train your will, your body and spirit and new possibilities of wellness will become activated and realized.
Peace is within you A reading is a doorway to new possibilities
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