Eight of Wands - It's in Your Cards
Spirit ~ Forces TM
Its in Your Cards
Photographed and Written by Jesai
Your card for the day
The Eight of Wands
Swiftness - Movement - Worthiness
Associations to the 8 of Wands
I Ching Hexagram 35 Jihn - Progress - Prosperity - Victory - Fire above Earth
Sun illuminating the Earth - Things Flourish
Love - Traditionally the Eight of Wands can represent a new love affair or a rapid renewal of love between significant others, friends and family where there has been distance or difficulties. A new love, a dog or cat child may come into your life and bring fulfillment or new sense of purpose in your life.
Work - This card brings with it progress towards your goals, finding a new purpose or direction. The blocks are removed on what you have been working on and everything can move ahead very quickly at this time with the correct focus. An unexpected opportunity may come your way.
Money - If you have been saving for something finances should come together now so you can achieve your goals. The 8 of Wands brings with it the focus to find ways around challenges. Finances come in unusual ways through assistance or gifts because someone believes in you.
Health - Rootedness and correct action and adhering to basic values can allow you to find success in what you seek. When you find the tools you need your motivation will move things ahead and bring improvement very quickly. Get as much information to find the best direction.
Peace is with you always.
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