Seven of Pentacles - It's in Your Cards
Spirit ~ Forces TM
It’s in your Cards
Photographed and Written by Jesai
Your Card for the Day
The Seven of Pentacles
What you have put your time, energy and money into will come back to you. You must be respectful in the situation and have patience to find the rewards. It’s a time to choose wisely.
Associations to Seven of Pentacles
I Ching Hexagram 12 – Pi – Standstill – Heaven above Earth – Things moving away from the center
The arrangement of natural forces will determine the outcome or direction that things will take.
Love – Things may be better than you thought, so be mindful of looking for problems right now in your relationships and friendships. The best thing to do might be nothing at this time. Have faith in yourself and what you have done. Be you, be honest and be happy.
Work – There may be challenges around you at work, but this card advises you to remain calm and have faith that what you have done will be recognized and come back to you. Be still and wait for the appropriate moment to reveal itself to find or present your advantages.
Money – Money is only an exchange of life force. What is difficult to accept in this world is that everyone s’ life force is not valued equally. This causes great competition and striving but does not make a person better, it leads humanity away from spirituality. Investing in your self, purchasing a house or a car, pay off debt, makes you a richer person. Investing in someone else’s success will only bring you unhappiness.
Health – If what you have done in the past has caught up with you, either you need a change of direction or you are reaping the rewards of your past efforts. This should be a time of reflection to decide on how you move forward now and what goals you set for the future. Be clear about the intentions you set for yourself.
Peace is with you always
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