Two of Pentacles - It's in Your Cards
Spirit ~ Forces TM
It’s in your Cards
Photographed and Written by Jesai
Your Card for the Day
Two of Pentacles
People working together to make things better – Inspire not Command – Charismatic Connections
Associations to Two of Pentacles
I Ching Hexagram 16 – Yu - Comfort - Harmony – Thunder over Earth – A time for Expansion
Things begin to flower – Prosperity
Love – Keeping things in balance is the key when this card appears. Balancing love, family obligations, work, personal space. Whether it is just a friend, your dog, or the love of your life, being sure to remember your priorities is the reminder here. In new Relations make sure you make the time needed for the other so there are no misunderstandings.
Work - It’s time to make a schedule for yourself, work personal life, family…..put it all on your schedule. Focus on one thing at a time, if it’s on the schedule it will surely get done or the attention needed. Going after a new opportunity, be sure to take the time do your research, go in feeling centered and confident.
Money – Prioritising where your finances are going or what you are spending money on is important presently to assure you can attain your goals. This may be a good time to consider sound investments, but not a time to take big risks.
Health – Balancing stressful situations, whether that be relationships or work, etc., and literally making time for yourself to exercise, meditate, begin a more wholistic diet or regime….. Only you can make it happen. Put it on the schedule.
Peace is with you always
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