Ace of Cups - It's in Your Cards
Spirit ~ Forces TM
Its in Your Cards
Photographed and Written by Jesai
Your card for the day
The Ace of Cups
Love - Joy - New Beginning - This is a power card of positive omens and good news
Love - This is the Love card of the Tarot. Mutual love, marriage, pregnancy, good things connected to new beginnings. In relationships renewal of love, vows and commitments become strong possibilities. New relationships or friendships may be formed.
Work - The ace of cups is the bearer of good news. For those who are looking for a change of work or a new job, if your heart is in it, the efforts you put out will be well rewarded. Expect there to be some change of direction at work or a raise coming.
Money - Extra money could be coming your way. If you have been looking for financial assistance or waiting for an investment this card encourages to expect a positive outcome or you will receive some good news.
Health - This card represents love and well being, means feeling better, an increase in energy. If you have been down or not well, it is time you may feel a shift in your energy. Goals you have set with exercise, changes you have made to your diet, you will begin to see and feel rewards.
Peace is with you A reading is a doorway to new possibilities.
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